Simple form handling with Express and Nodemailer

In my last Node.js post I created a simple website for my projects, creating static pages is a breeze once you understand how Express works. However, your traditional website is not really complete without a 'contact us' page, today I will write about creating a contact form for my website.

Node.js is minimalistic by design and does not offer native support for sending emails, for this purpose I have chosen Nodemailer - an easy to use module to send e-mails with Node.JS.

The view

A new view is required to display our contact page therefore I created a file in the views directory and named it contact.jade.


h1 Contact Form
  form(action='/contact', name='contactus', id='contactus', method='post')
        label(for='name') Name:
        input(name='name', type='text', value='', id='name')
        label(for='email') Email:
        input(name='email', type='text', value='', id='email')
        label(for='message') Message:
        textarea(name='message', cols='40', rows='10', id='message')
        input(name='submit', type='submit', value='Send', id='submit')

After the form view is created we need to create a route that will handle a /contact GET request and load the view. Two files need to be edited, app.js and routes/index.js.



routes/index.js = function(req, res){
    res.render('contact', { title: 'Raging Flame Laboratory - Contact', page: 'contact' })

At this point our contact page is working beautifully but cannot do much because it can't handle any data.

Handling form data

I really love express for its ease to use and the amount of goodness it comes with, in our app.js file we need to include the bodyParser() middleware, this will ensure that form variables are stored in the request object.

Next we need to install Nodemailer.

npm install nodemailer

Let us edit app.js and include this module.


var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

Nodemailer has several options for sending emails, you can find out more on the github page, I chose to use the Gmail option. Let's handle the /contact post request:'/contact', function (req, res) {
  var mailOpts, smtpTrans;

  //Setup Nodemailer transport, I chose gmail. Create an application-specific password to avoid problems.
  smtpTrans = nodemailer.createTransport('SMTP', {
      service: 'Gmail',
      auth: {
          user: "[email protected]",
          pass: "application-specific-password" 

  //Mail options
  mailOpts = {
      from: + ' <' + + '>', //grab form data from the request body object
      to: '[email protected]',
      subject: 'Website contact form',
      text: req.body.message

  smtpTrans.sendMail(mailOpts, function (error, response) {
      //Email not sent
      if (error) {
          res.render('contact', { title: 'Raging Flame Laboratory - Contact', msg: 'Error occured, message not sent.', err: true, page: 'contact' })
      //Yay!! Email sent
      else {
          res.render('contact', { title: 'Raging Flame Laboratory - Contact', msg: 'Message sent! Thank you.', err: false, page: 'contact' })

I had problems initially connecting to Gmail because my Gmail account uses a 2-factor authentication but that was easy to solve, simply create an application-specific password.

Lastly, we need to give some kind of feedback to the user.


if(typeof msg !== 'undefined')
    div(class='msgbox err') #{msg}
    div(class='msgbox success') #{msg}

That's all folks, my contact page is now fully functional. Please add basic sanitization and form validation if you are going to create a similar form.

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